Klarisana’s Ketamine Preparation Guide

July 1, 2024

Klarisana’s Ketamine Preparation Guide

Intimidated by ketamine therapy? We’ve got your back. 

This guide is designed to help you feel more prepared and confident as you embark on your journey with Klarisana. By providing detailed information and practical tips, we aim to support you through every step of your treatment, ensuring you have a safe, comfortable, and meaningful experience.

Preparing for Your Ketamine Therapy Session

Things to Consider Before Your Session:

  1. Create An Intentional Safe Space for Yourself:
    • Before any psychedelic journey it is important to try to cultivate a positive and growth mindset. You can get into that space by taking a few moments to meditate, practice some deep breathing, mindful eating, and being mindful of your surroundings and situations before treatment.
  2. Arrive Early, Give Yourself Some Time & Space:
    • Arriving early allows you to unwind and ease into your session.
    • Use this time to relax, take deep breaths, and activate your body’s “rest and digest” response, promoting a calm and relaxed state.
  3. Intention Setting:
    • Clearly state what you hope to achieve with statements like, “Today, I intend to…”
    • Focus on setting your intentions without becoming overly fixated on specific outcomes.
  4. Comfort Items:
    • Bring items that make you feel comfortable, such as stuffed animals, a pillow, blanket, or sentimental items.
    • Over-the-ear headphones are recommended if you wish to listen to music during your session.
  5. Make a Playlist:

If you are doing KAP you will be sitting and talking with a therapist but you are welcome to play a calming playlist during your therapy session.

  • If you are doing Ketamine Therapy IM Treatments you will likely prefer wearing over the ear headphones and have curated playlists during your sessions. 
  • Choose songs with positive meanings or those that evoke pleasant memories.
  • Consider instrumental music, binaural beats, or calming meditation music.
  • Download your playlist and set your phone to airplane mode to avoid interruptions.
  • A playlist is optional; natural sounds or silence can also enhance your experience which are available on all of our TV’s.

Day of Your Session-


  • ✔️ Continue with your prescription medications as directed by your provider unless instructed otherwise by a Klarisana provider.
  • ✔️ If prescribed, take your anti-nausea medication 30-60 minutes prior to your session.
  • ✔️ Wear comfortable clothing and bring a blanket/pillow if you tend to get cold.
  • ✔️ Ensure your clothing allows easy access to your upper arm.
  • ✔️ Use the restroom before arriving.


  • ❌ Do not be under the influence of any altering or illicit substances, including but not limited to marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, or kratom.
  • ❌ Avoid consuming large amounts of caffeine or stimulants.
  • ❌ Do not eat a heavy meal within 2-4 hours of your scheduled session.

During Your Sessions

Explore Within Yourself:

  • The ketamine experience is uniquely introspective. It may bring up challenging memories or feelings.
  • Address traumatic experiences with an established therapist or during an integration session with a Klarisana behavioral health provider.

Remember You Are Safe:

  • You have the ability to self-regulate even in an altered state. If you feel uneasy, remember the experience is temporary and you are safe.
  • Press your call button if you need assistance or wish to have someone with you.

Relax Your Body and Mind:

  • Leave behind lingering or racing thoughts from the day.
  • Avoid distractions like checking your phone.
  • Meditate or sit in silence for 5-10 minutes before treatment.
  • Ensure everything you need is in place before receiving your dose, including emptying your bladder.

After Your Sessions


  • ✔️ Stay hydrated to avoid headaches and constipation.
  • ✔️ Be intentional with technology use, avoiding stress-inducing stimuli.
  • ✔️ Give yourself space to process the experience.
  • ✔️ Continue to eat mindfully


  • ❌ Do not drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours after your session.
  • ❌ Avoid self-criticism; every experience offers a unique lesson.

Post-Treatment Tips:

  • Utilize your Klarisana Virtual Pocket Guide for ongoing support and guidance.
  • Engage in journaling to process your thoughts and feelings.
  • Reflect on your experience during mindful walks or while listening to your playlist.
  • Work with a mental health professional for integration and real-life application of your ketamine experience.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Continue using coping mechanisms. Schedule a session with a Klarisana behavioral health provider if you need help identifying effective strategies.
  • If you notice changes in how you process triggers or any new negative thought patterns, contact a Klarisana provider immediately.
  • Celebrate any progress and acknowledge your achievements.

Best Music for Ketamine Therapy

  • Personal Playlists: Select songs that have a positive emotional connection for you.
  • Klarisana or Psychedelic Curated Playlists: Ask any Klarisana employee to show you our curated spotify playlists. 
  • Instrumental Music: Consider music without lyrics, such as binaural beats or meditation music, to help focus your mind.
  • Natural Sounds: Nature sounds or ambient soundscapes can provide a soothing backdrop for your experience.


  • Journaling: Document your thoughts and feelings before and after sessions to aid in processing.
  • Reflection: Reflect on your session through journaling, listening to your playlist, or during mindful activities like walking.
  • Professional Support: Discuss and process your experiences with a mental health professional to help bridge the gap between your ketamine sessions and everyday life.

By following these guidelines, you can optimize your ketamine therapy experience, ensuring it is safe, comfortable, and meaningful. Klarisana is here to support you every step of the way.

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