Confronting PTSD in Men with High-Stress Professions

June 25, 2024

Confronting PTSD in Men with High-Stress Professions

July is PTSD Awareness Month, and it’s a crucial time to spotlight Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD and its profound impact on men specifically.  At Klarisana, we specialize in addressing the unique needs of military veterans, law enforcement officers, first responders, construction workers and other high stress work environments.  This month, we delve into the specific challenges these men face and how innovative treatments like ketamine therapy can pave the way to recovery.

Understanding PTSD Symptoms in Men

PTSD can affect anyone, but men, particularly those in high-stress jobs, often exhibit unique symptoms that can be overlooked. Recognizing these symptoms is vital for timely and effective intervention. Common PTSD symptoms in men include:

  • Anger and Aggression: Frequent outbursts and irritability.
  • Emotional Numbness: Difficulty experiencing emotions or feeling detached from loved ones.
  • Substance Use: Increased reliance on alcohol or drugs as coping mechanisms.
  • Hypervigilance: Constant alertness and being easily startled.
  • Intrusive Thoughts: Persistent flashbacks and nightmares related to traumatic experiences.

Understanding these symptoms is the first step toward seeking help and developing an effective treatment plan.

Veteran PTSD Symptoms: Beyond the Battlefield

For many military veterans, the battle doesn’t end when they return home. Combat exposure and the pressures of military life significantly increase the risk of PTSD. Symptoms specific to veterans may include:

  • Combat Flashbacks: Reliving combat scenarios through vivid flashbacks and nightmares.
  • Avoidance Behavior: Steering clear of situations that remind them of their service.
  • Emotional Strain: Challenges in maintaining relationships and a pervasive sense of hopelessness.
  • Physical Ailments: Chronic pain and headaches as physical manifestations of PTSD.

PTSD in Law Enforcement and First Responders: On the Frontlines at Home

Law enforcement officers and first responders are constantly exposed to traumatic incidents. The nature of their work can lead to severe PTSD symptoms, including:

  • Emotional Suppression: Difficulty in expressing feelings due to the nature of their job.
  • High Alertness: Persistent anxiety and sleep disturbances from being always on guard.
  • Substance Dependence: Use of alcohol or drugs to manage stress and trauma.
  • Isolation: Withdrawing from personal and professional relationships due to mistrust or a desire not to burden others.

Construction Workers: The Hidden Toll of Chronic Pain and PTSD

Construction workers face significant physical risks, and accidents on the job can lead to chronic pain and PTSD. Symptoms specific to this group include:

  • Chronic Pain: Persistent pain that serves as a constant reminder of the trauma.
  • Mental Health Struggles: Depression and anxiety stemming from physical limitations and fear of future incidents.
  • Sleep Issues: Insomnia or disrupted sleep due to pain and stress.
  • Anger and Frustration: Irritability related to ongoing pain and reduced physical capabilities.

Ketamine Therapy: A Beacon of Hope for PTSD Sufferers

Ketamine therapy represents a new and innovative approach to treating PTSD, especially for those who haven’t found relief through traditional methods. Here’s why ketamine therapy is making waves:

  • Rapid Symptom Relief: Ketamine can alleviate PTSD symptoms within hours or days, providing fast relief.
  • Enhanced Neuroplasticity: Encourages the brain to form new connections, aiding long-term recovery.
  • Broad Symptom Reduction: Effective in reducing depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts after just a few sessions.

Our Commitment to Specialized Care and Research

As a veteran-founded company, we understand the unique challenges faced by men in high-stress professions. Our clinics have conducted and continue to pursue research on the effectiveness of ketamine for PTSD, particularly in veterans and law enforcement officers.

Study Summary: Klarisana Veteran Ketamine PTSD Study

Combat veterans are at high risk for developing PTSD and substance use disorders. While ketamine has shown promise in treating various mental health disorders, research on its efficacy for combat-related PTSD in veterans remains limited. This study sought to better characterize the role that ketamine could play in the treatment of PTSD.

Methods: The study involved 30 US military veterans with combat-related PTSD. Participants underwent six 1-hour ketamine infusions and completed self-report questionnaires to assess changes in symptoms of depression, PTSD, and substance use before the first and sixth infusions.


  • Depression: Symptoms decreased significantly, with PHQ-9 scores dropping from an average of 18.9 to 9.5.
  • PTSD: Symptoms reduced significantly, with PCL-5 scores dropping from an average of 56.2 to 31.3.
  • Substance Use: Substance use trend was downward.

The study demonstrated that higher doses of ketamine, aiming for a psychotropic therapeutic response, can lead to significant symptom reduction. No significant adverse events were reported, and the treatment was well-tolerated.

Conclusion This study provides evidence that ketamine infusion therapy could be a valuable tool in treating combat-related PTSD. The experiential component of ketamine therapy appears to be critical for its therapeutic effects, and further research is needed to explore its long-term efficacy and safety.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in learning more about our services or want to schedule a consultation, please contact our clinics at 844-455-4727. Together, we can navigate the journey to healing and recovery.

By focusing on awareness and education, we aim to reduce the stigma surrounding PTSD and highlight the importance of seeking help. Let’s make this July a month of hope, healing, and progress in the fight against PTSD.

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